Printing Date
To print a date value into your PDF using, follow these steps:
- In Eledo editor click on a Text box component from top toolbar. Configuration window will appear.
- Click into Data (expression) field to open Data Expression builder.
- Type a word you want to represent the date value. It will be used as input field name. This word cannot contain a space nor special characters, just letters, numbers and underscore. In our case we type DeliveryDate
- If you need to format this value, try one of our DATE functions
- Confirm twice and dynamic text component will be placed at cursor position.
- Save the template and input field will be automatically created from the data expression.
- In your scenario click on Eledo module and refresh Custom Fields for the template.
- DeliveryDate input field should be now available to be mapped with a date value.
- Click into DeliveryDate field and choose one from your data source to map the value.
- Confirm and you're done!
Formatting Dates:
Date Format
Format the date value into a specific date format with DATE function. Date format consists of case sensitive letters with various meanings. This function depends on Timezone and Locale setting of your template.
DATE(value, date_format)
DeliveryDate = 14. July 2025
DATE(DeliveryDate, "MM/dd/yyyy")
Output: 07/14/2025
DATE(DeliveryDate, "dd/MM/yyyy")
Output: 14/07/2025
DATE(DeliveryDate, "EEEE, MMMM d, yyyy")
Output: Monday, July 14, 2025
DATE(DeliveryDate, "dd MMMM yyyy")
Output: 14 July 2025
Date formatting letters are listed in this article: Formatting Dates
TODAY() = Prints today's date
DATE(TODAY(), "yyyy-MM-dd")
Date1 = 1. January 2025 ; Date2 = 20. January 2025
DAYS_BETWEEN(Date1, Date2)
Output: 19
Find more information about data formatting in this article: Formatting Dates
Discover all date functions here: Date Functions
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