Template Components

Eledo Template dynamic components overview

Eledo template supports the following dynamic components. Check them one by one to learn more about each of them.

Text Box

Basic template component enables you to put dynamic text into your document.

Repetitive Block

Very important template component making document generation more dynamic. You can prepare a block for one item and let it be replicated as many times as there are items in input data array. Items in a list and rows or columns in a table are just few examples.

Block Condition

Affects block's visibility based on condition expression.

Dynamic Image

Very interesting component giving you image flexibility. You can specify image parameters in template and send it in document generation request. Profile picture, shopping item thumbnail or image attachments are just few examples.


Dynamic barcodes in PDF can be drawn directly as vector graphics. They looks good at every zoom level and have very small size, compared to barcodes created as raster image

Form Text input

This component enables you to add interactive text input field with prefilled value into your PDF document.

Form Checkbox

Form component enables you to add interactive Checkbox field with prefilled value into your PDF document.

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