Dynamic Image
Very interesting component giving you image flexibility. You can specify image parameters in template and send it in document generation request. Profile picture, shopping item thumbnail or image attachments are just few examples.
Click on Dynamic Image button in editor's toolbar and configuration window will appear. Once confirmed, Text Box will be placed in cursor's location.
URL - Image will be downloaded from URL location sent in document generation request.
Image - Image data will be sent in document generation request. Image format is recognized based on its content.
Data (expression)
Define simple field name or formula using expression language to be evaluated as image URL or data.
- simple field name populated with URL (Type set to URL)
- simple field name populated with image data (Type set to data)
Width (optional)
Width of image can be pre-set. Image will be scaled in PDF to have specified width. Height is calculated to maintain aspect ratio, if not defined explicitely.
Height (optional)
Height of image can be pre-set. Image will be scaled in PDF to have specified height. Width is calculated to maintain aspect ratio, if not defined explicitely.
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